The issue of state's rights is still debated by historians and polititians today. The issue of slavery however is not a factor. Slavery was abolished in the US when the 13th Amendment to the US Constitution was adopted.
That there would always be hatred between the North and the South.
Slavery was a states rights issue. The essential problem was if a state had the right to allow slavery when the federal government states it is illegal. We are still arguing the issue today. For Lincoln it was an issue of keeping the union together. Slavery wasn't so much the cause but a emotional and political response of where the power of the federal government stops and the state begins.
The Lincoln-Douglas Debates of 1858 were a series of seven debates between Abraham Lincoln, the Republican candidate for Senate in Illinois, and incumbent Senator Stephen Douglas, the Democratic Party candidate. Although Lincoln was a candidate for the Senate in Illinois, the debates were not directly related to an election of office. At the time, Illinois' Senators were elected by the Illinois Legislators, so the purpose of the debates was to represent their parties (Lincoln for the Republicans and Douglas for the Democrats) in a bid to win control of the Illinois Legislature. The main issue discussed in all seven debates was slavery.
The proximate cause was the election of Abraham Lincoln in November 1860; white Southerners feared, correctly, that Lincoln would work to end slavery in the US. Slavery was the principal cause of the US Civil War; states' rights were a secondary issue.
They debated.
Stephen A.Douglas in 1858,
Abraham Lincoln debated Stephen Douglas, during the US Senate campaign, in Illinois, in 1858. They debated 7 times, in 7 different cities throughout Illinois. The main topic of the debates was the issue of slavery.
Breckinridge's stance on the issue of slavery differed from Lincoln's because Lincoln opposed the expansion of slavery into the territories and Breckinridge insisted that the government be required to protect slavery in any territory.
Stephen Douglas debated with Lincoln against slavery
He thought that it was a moral issue
It was the issue of slavery that Abraham Lincoln and Stephen A Douglas disagreed about during their political debates. Stephen A Douglas supported slavery while Abraham Lincoln opposed it.
Whether or not slavery should expand into new territories. Lincoln and Douglas did NOT debate on whether or not to *end* slavery, just whether it should be allowed in the new territories and states being accepted into the U.S. Lincoln, as a member of the Free Soil party, thought that slavery shouldn't be expanded, while Douglass believed it should.
slavery in the territories
The key issue in the Lincoln-Douglas debates was slavery. Lincoln and Douglas were viewed as contenders for the 1860 presidential election.