Augustus Jackson married Ann Maria Williams in 1832. Ann Maria Williams was the daughter of William Williams, a prominent African American businessman in Philadelphia. The marriage between Augustus Jackson and Ann Maria Williams was significant as it took place during a time when interracial marriages were not common and faced social stigma.
Augustus Jackson was a candy confectioner and former chef for the White House. It is not clear who he was married to.
no since his father was not a slave
A.D. 14 ---- when did Augustus Jackson die? He died on January 11, 1852
Ice cream recipes all over the world
Sally Jackson is Percy Jackson mother
Garrett Augustus Morgan was the African American who invented the three way automatic traffic light.
Augustus Jackson's birthday is April 16, 1808.
Philip Augustus married to m. in married
Yes, Augustus Jackson did have siblings. He had seven of them, in fact. They were all raised by their mother.
he was Augustus Jackson's dad
Augustus Jackson's birthday is April 16, 1808.
Augustus Jackson was born on 1808 in Pennsylvania
* hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaakk
Augustus Jackson, the inventor of ice cream, was born in 1808 and died in 1852.
it was hard for him and his family
Augustus Jackson attended Danbury Public Schools before attending the Connecticut Agricultural College at Storrs in Septemper 1906.
Augustus Jackson's date of birth is unknown as there is limited biographical information available about him. He is recognized as one of the pioneers of ice cream making in the United States during the 19th century.