J.P. Morgan And Elbert Gray, who bought out Andrew Carnegy's steel works, and combined it with Grays, and some other lesser players, to become US Steel.
Gary, Indiana
This is tough to define. The birth of the corporation dates back to Rome. The first corporation as we know it is the Dutch East India Company founded in 1602. American business started to become what it is today in the later half of the 1800's with the industrial revolution.
Carnegie Steel Company was the first one.
The first US city to be founded was Cahokia which was founded in the year 600. The city was in the state of Illinois.
Taegu, Korea us where the Samsung corporation was founded
Andrew Carnegie
John Pierpont Morgan was the founder of US Steel Corporation. He helped to organize not only US Steel, but General Electric, railroads and other companies as well. He was the most powerful banker in the world. He also used his influence to rescue the United States from several financial dilemmas.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, became the center of steel production during the late 1800's. Andrew Carnegie founded Carnegie Steel Company which later was sold to US Steel Corporation there in 1870.
John Pierpont Morgan was the founder of US Steel Corporation. He helped to organize not only US Steel, but General Electric, railroads and other companies as well. He was the most powerful banker in the world. He also used his influence to rescue the United States from several financial dilemmas.
Gary, Indiana
The ticker symbol for US Steel Corp was X. US Steel was founded by JP Morgan and Elbert Gary in 1901.
Nucor Corporation was founded in 1940.
Andrew carnegie
There were a number of business men who founded the US Steel Company. Andrew Carnegie, Elbert Gary, Charles Schwab and J.P. Morgan were all credited as being part of the group that began the company known as US Steel.