a snowman of course the snowman need to know how much snow he was going to need to make him nexst year and thats when he made the snow gauge
The Romans in 27 B.C. to A.D. 395. the Romans would go to the higher mountains and haul down snow and then would add different syrups and then in 1920 Samuel Bert from Dallas TX, at a state fair invented the first sno cone machine after Samuel died Ernest Hansen carried on and tried to make one better with better consistincy
The first train in the US was not considered an "invention", but was built in Quincy, MA to move granite from a quarry. It used both gravity and horses to move the trains along the 5 foot gauge railway. There is no one man credited with its invention.
Ragtime was invented in the U.S.A but I don't know exactly where it was first invented or who did! Sorry I hope this helps still!
who invented the first steamboatRobert Fulton invented the clermont and sailed it on the Hudson river.
the light bulb was invented in 1779.
A snow gauge measures snow.
Alf Bucceri invented Fake Snow
George Dunne invented the marking gauge with his giant head
Rain gauge measures liquid precipitation (rainfall) and snow board measures frozen precipitation (snowfall).
No, a rain gauge should not be used to measure precipitation in the form of snow. Snow should be measured using a snow gauge or snowboard designed specifically for that purpose. Snow accumulation will provide a more accurate measurement of total precipitation when dealing with snow.
They are measured by a rain gauge.
a rain gauge measures the amount of rain, snow, or any liquid that falls from the skyThe rain gauge measures the amount of water, snow or any liquid that falls from the sky, to view the water level
I did
they invented a rain gauge
rain gauge
Otto von Guericke invented the pressure gauge. Otto von Guericke was from Germany and was a scientist, inventor, and a politician.