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Q: Who is elected to head the Georgia Department of Education?
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Who is the head of the Michigan Department of Education?

mike Fleming

Who is the educational minister of you s?

The head of the Department of Education is Arne Duncan.

Is the Department of Education part of the executive branch?

It is, yes. The Secretary of Education (head of the Department of Education) is a part of the Cabinet.

Is the head of education elected or appointed?

In the United States, the US Secretary of Education is part of the President's Cabinet. He or she is appointed by the President with the advice and consent of the Senate. ?æ

Who is the president of Department of education in the Philippines?

Dep-ed is an agency. In the Philippines, agencies head are called secretary.

Who is currently the head of the Department of Health Education and Welfare?

It hasn't existed since 1979, it is now the Department of Health and Human Services and the secretary is Kathleen Sebelius.

Who is the current head of the Alabama Department of Education?

Joseph B. Morton serves as the Secretary and Chief Executive Officer.

Who leads the US Department of Education?

The Department of Education is administered by the United States Secretary of Education.Agency executives listed belowArne Duncan, SecretaryAnthony W. Miller, Deputy Secretary

What is the title of the head of the department of state?

The title of the head of the Department of State is Secretary of State.

Who is the head of department of education?

As of January 2011, Arne Duncan is the Secretary of the Department of Education.As of January 2011, Arne Duncan is the Secretary of the Department of Education.

What is the head of exectutive department called?

The head of the executive department could be called the Executive Department Head, supervisor, manager, etc.

Who is the head department of commerce?

Rebecca Blank is the head of the department of commerce