The Italian Sea Captain in the service of France who explored the Coast of North America from what is today the Carolinas and Nova Scotia was Giovannida Verrazano. He set sail in 1524 to search for a northwest passage to Asia.
Andrew Carnegie
He established the first colony in Jamestown, Virginia
The Mayflower was the famous ship that transported the English Separatists, better known as the Pilgrims, from Southampton, England, to Plymouth, Massachusetts (which would become the capital of Plymouth Colony), in 1620.[1][dead link] There were 102 passengers and a crew of 25-30. (Wikipedia)For the source and more detailed information concerning your request, click on the related links section (Wikipedia) indicated directly below this answer section.
Captain Miles Standish was the captain of the mayflower.
Captain John Handy died in 1971.
verrazano verrazano
It was Giovanni da Verrazzano, see related link.
John Cabot
Bartolomeu Dias
John Cabot
captain cook
Captain James Cook represented England on his journeys.
Captain James Cook.
British Captain 'George Vancouver'...
Captain James Cook.