

Who is the founder of Manichaeism?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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13y ago

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Maniche is the founder of Manichaeism

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What is the difference between Catholicism and Manichaeism?

The two religions share some characteristics, like dualism (good vs. evil), angels, and individual choice, but their differences far outweigh their similarities. Manichaean's believe the earth was created by the devil (Angra Mainyu), not God (Ahura Mazda). An angel was sent to defeat him, but was captured. When the angel finally escaped, part of his light remained in the hands of Angra Mainyu, who created the earth to trap it. It is the goal of all people to gather as much light into themselves as possible, so it can be returned to the sun, domain of god, his consort, and sub-deities. So Manichaeaism differs from Catholicism in that: 1.) God is not omnipotent or all-powerful 2.) All earthly matter is inherently evil because it was created by the devil 3.) Manichaeism is not technically monotheistic (though that can be debated) 4.) No procreation, because that scatters the light and makes it harder to gather 5.) Manichaeans proselytized by co-opting the language of other religions in order to reach its adherents. So the prophet Mani was described to Christians as Jesus, Buddhists as Buddha, etc. You can also find more answers to your question by studying the life of St. Augustine of Hippo. Although raised as a Catholic, Augustine left the Church to follow the controversial Manichaean religion, much to the despair of his mother.

Which religious dualism existed till 10 century?

Manichaeism founded by prophet Mani in the dual religious belief that divine light imprisoned by evil will be rescued by divine messengers and Mani .

What is founder in Tagalog?

Tagalog Translation of FOUNDER: nagtatag