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either Abraham Lincoln or Franklin Roosevelt

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Q: Who is the most common talked about president?
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Is talked a common noun?

No, "talked" is a past tense verb. It is not a common noun.

Which president was in favor of tax reduction?

Most presidents favor tax reductions for somebody. Obama talked about reductions for the lower and middle classes. The "Bush tax cuts" are currently being talked about.

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What was the most common profession held by a president other than being president?

The most common profession is Politician; as that is now considered its own profession - ignoring that, the most common non-political profession is Lawyer / Attorney.

Is talking a common noun?

The word 'talked' is not a noun; talked is the past tense of the verb to talk. The word talk is a noun, a common noun.

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What are the Most talked about issues?

I think the most talked about issue is all about Climate Change...

What did Obama do to become president?

he worked hard and talked thr truth....

What did President mean when he talked about peace through strength?

Ronald Reagan

What person talked and preached about the Gosple the most in the bible?

The person who talked and preached the most about Jesu in the bible is Paul.

The most common profession held by a US president?

Lawyer and Military