The Indians of parrel made the Sioux clothes. they lived nearby the Sioux. the parrel Indians helped them with most of there chores, like washing dishes and laundry, and making there clothes and food.
there clothes are made out of sheep skin, and wool.
Patwin wore very little clothes. The men usually didn't wear any clothes at all. In cold weather animal skin blankets were worn by both men and women. In rainy weather, the women wore basket caps. Most Patwin went barefoot in their villages.
The Sioux Indians wore deer and buffalo skins.The Sioux men and boys wore deerskin shirts and leggings. When it was warm like in summer they would wear one strip of leather called a breechcloth, as well as a pair of shoes called moccasins. In the winter they would wear buffalo robes and snow shoes. The Sioux women and girls wore dresses and moccasins. Their clothes are decorated with elk teeth, bear claws, feathers, and fur. The Sioux Indians woven robes and buffalo skin over their bodies
Some women in the colist times made their own cloths bye threading other types.
They wore very little. They made loin clothes out of animal skin.
bare skin and i will were it afair i kill it
buffalo skin dresses and skirts.
The Cheyenne woman wore clothes made from elk, deer, bears, and buffalo. They made clothes for there children, themselves, and there husbands. These clothes are also decorated with beads and paints.
The Cheyenne woman wore clothes made from elk, deer, bears, and buffalo. They made clothes for there children, themselves, and there husbands. These clothes are also decorated with beads and paints.
Ah, it wasn't us that were made to wear clothes, it was the clothes that were made to be worn.
yes they did. women would wear them every day was regular clothes.
they wore dress made of bags
Most women start to wear maternity clothes when they are 5 months pregnant. The size of your maternity clothes will be the same size as your regular clothes. For example, if your wear a size 8 in your regular clothes, your maternity clothes will be size 8 too.
men wear formal clothes and women wear dresses in nigeria.
the not wear the same clothes we wear now the us to make the clothes from anmalis
the women in Mumbai wear saris and Punjabi dresses
when women have their periods, women wear whisper to stop the blood from staining their clothes.