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Most experts agree that the most important amendment in the Bill of Rights is the first one. It protects freedom of religion and speech, and allows people to speak freely in the United States.

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9y ago
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7y ago

None of them ... that's why they were all added at the same time. Note that the "Bill of Rights" is defined as the first ten amendments.

That question has no single awnser, people argue all the time which amendment is most important, some people say number 1, which lists our freedoms, others choose the amendment that abolishes slavery, its up to you to awnser that question, personally, for me, its 1.

Also, the amendments to the constitution were added at completely diffrent time periods

ex: the ammendement "the right to bear arms" was added way before the amendment to abolish slavery

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12y ago

The First Amendment because it basically guarantees us the right to think freely and express ours views from other. Gives us the ability to reason rather than fear and it establishes the values that our nation is built on.

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7y ago

All the amendments in the Bill of Rights are important. With that said, many historians and political scientists believe that the first amendment is the most important one. Practice of the First amendment allow for changes in the federal government to be made. For example, the right of free speech and the right to peacefully assemble to seek redress grievances is vital.

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10y ago

The freedom of speech is pretty important. It allows you to speak out against the government if they are doing something that you do not like.

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11y ago

The right to keep and bear arms, because without it you can't protect the others!

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15y ago

Mr. Privacy

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Q: Who of the individual freedoms granted by the bill of rights is most important?
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