It was Stephen Douglass and John C. Breckenridge who he was going against.
Presidential candidate Abraham Lincoln won the state of Michigan during the 1860 presidential election. Lincoln won most of the Midwest and northern states.
The Democrats had split latt --------PJCC 2010-2011
Abraham did not really split anything, but he won the election in 1860 on a split ticket. A split ticket is when you don't get the majority of the votes, but in a split ticket there are more than two candidates running for president. So if there are more than two candidates, none of the candidates usually can win the majority of the votes. So Abraham Lincoln did not split anything, but won the election on a split ticket.
Abraham Lincoln won the election of 1860 with a platform against slavery in the territories but for tariffs a transcontinental railroad and a Homestead Act.
Because the Democratic party had split into two wings, North and South.
You forgot to list "the following individuals," but the answer is Abraham Lincoln.
Abraham Lincoln.
Lincoln won the election of 1860.
Abraham Lincoln
Lincoln was the Republican candidate in 1860 and he won the election.
Abraham Lincoln won the 1860 presidential election defeating John Breckinridge, John Bell and Stephen Douglas. Incumbent President Abraham Lincoln won reelection in the 1864 presidential election defeating George McClellan.
Republican Party candidate Abraham Lincoln won the 1860 presidential election defeating John Breckinridge, John Bell and Stephen Douglas.
Abraham Lincoln
The person who won the 1864 presidential election was Abraham Lincoln.
November 8, 1864 Abraham Lincoln won the election! :)
Abraham Lincoln won the election againts Stephen Douglass. Lincoln defeated Douglass in the North.