The president pro tempore presides when the officer of the Senate is away. This person is the second highest ranking official of the Senate.
The president Pro-Tempore is the presiding officer in the senate. That individual is in charge of the Senate agenda in the absence of the vice president.
The Vice President of the United States is the presiding officer in the Senate. It is only in the absence of the Vice President that the president pro tempore is empowered to preside.
A formal duty assigned to the vice president by the Constitution is to preside over the Senate. Specifically, his role is to cast a vote when a Senate deadlock occurs. Plus, he is also assigned to give certification on the official vote count of the U.S. Electoral College.
If you are asking about the Presidential succession list, The Secretary of State is next in line after the President pro tempore. If the president pro tempore dies or resigns his office , a new pro tempore would be elected by the Senate. If a senator is too sick to serve but does not resign, nothing is done.
President pro tempore is the presiding officer of US senate. His responsibility is to maintain order and decorum of the house and its regulations. Normally the senior most senator from majority party is elected as President pro tempore.
The Vice President of the United States is the constitutional officer who presides over the Senate. The president pro tempore presides over the Senate if the VP is unavailable.
The president pro tempore is the officer who presides over the senate when the vice president is not in attendance.
The president pro tempore is the officer who presides over the senate when the vice president is not in attendance.
the President pro tempore
secretary of the senate
No. The speaker of the House presides over the House; the vice-president presides over the Senate. The House and the Senate meet in two separate chambers.
The Secretary of state u RETARD
He is not a member of the Senate but presides over the Senate. According to parliamentary rules, the presiding officer does not vote unless there is a tie vote.
A junior senator usually presides over the US Senate, assisted by an expert in Senate procedure.
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The Presiding Officer in the Missouri senate is the lieutenant governor. As of July 2014, David Dewhurst hold the office.
The President Pro Tempore presides over the Senate in the absence of the Vice President