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People who have citizenship card are considered as an American today..........

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The Monroe Doctrine of 1823, declared by President James Monroe, stated that the American continents should not be considered for future colonization by any European powers. This policy aimed to prevent further European intervention in the Western Hemisphere and protect the independence of the newly formed Latin American nations.

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No, I very much doubt it. Nazi isn't a very nice thing to call someone in modern society (given their past). I think it can be considered more of an insult rather than a generalisation.

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What has the author Mack C Shelley written?

Mack C. Shelley has written: 'American Government and Politics Today 2007-2008' 'American Government Smartbox' 'Study Guide for American Government and Politics Today' 'Resources to Accompany American Government and Politics Today: 97-98 Edition' 'Handbook of Selected Court Cases to Accompany West/Wadsworth's American Government Texts' 'American Government and Politics Today, 2005-2006 (with PoliPrep) (American Government and Politics Today)' 'American Government and Politics Today - Texas Edition, 2007-2008' 'American Government and Politics Today, Alternate 2005-2006 Edition (with PoliPrep)' 'Cengage Advantage Books' 'American Government and Politics Today, 1999-2000 Edition' 'Thomson Advantage Books' 'Readings in American Government, 5th' 'Handbook of Selected Court Cases to Accompany American Government and Politics Today 1997-1998 Edition and American Government and Politics Today : th'