SquantoFAMILY FEUD:Name something the indians taught to the pilgrims.How to grow cornHuntingSharingThanksPeaceCookingHow to smoke
They planted corn, squash, beans, and melons. The pilgrims would not have survived if Native Americans had not taught them what to plant and how to care for their plants.
The Native American (Indians live in India, Native Americans live in America) helped the Pilgrims survive in a new world that the Pilgrims saw as an untamed wilderness due to the lack of modernization like roads, guns, and other commodities. They showed and helped the pilgrims hunt fish and farm. Specifically introducing them to corn.
The native Indians taught the Pilgrims how to live basic life in their country. As the landscape was different than the Pilgrims had experienced.
because the pilgrims taught the Native Americans how to farm.
They taught them how to farm and treat illnesses.
What were the pilgrims taught
Squanto taught the pilgrims to grow corn.
The Natives Americans taught the Whites how to hunt.
It is unlikely that the Pilgrims would have survived without the assistance of Squanto and Massasoit. Squanto, an English-speaking Native American, taught the Pilgrims important skills such as farming and fishing, while Massasoit, the leader of the Wampanoag tribe, formed a peace treaty with the Pilgrims and provided them with crucial support. Without their help, the Pilgrims would have struggled to adapt to the unfamiliar environment and establish successful settlements.
The two Native Americans who taught the Pilgrims were Squanto, a member of the Pawtuxet tribe, and Samoset, an Abenaki sagamore. They taught the Pilgrims important agricultural techniques and helped facilitate peaceful relations between the Pilgrims and local indigenous tribes.
The local Native Americans were involved in the first Thanksgiving. They were the ones who taught the Pilgrams how to farm. The Pilgrams wanted to share their harvest with them as a Thank-You.
the wamponaog indians. squanto translated and ended up living with the pilgrims.
They taught themselves with the help of Indians (Native Americans).
they planted and grew crops
squanto or Tisquantum