the man who opened doors for the Americans and discovered America
bacause christaphor culumbus
Colonial means "having to do with a colony" and has nothing to do with Christopher Columbus
Christopher Nichols, Richard Child, Thomas Short, and Christopher Jones owned the Mayflower.
well one isss Christopher Columbus
He discovered the Bahamas.
he was married on 9999
Spices and gold
Christopher Culumbus.
the answer is 4
he wanted to find a route to India to trade his spices.
On October 12, 1492.
culumbus sailed the ocean blue 1492
Christopher Columbus arrived in Puerto Rico during his second voyage on November 19, 1493
Christopher Columbus discovered El Salvador, Cuba, and most notably, America.
1492 because of the poem: in 1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue
when cristufer culumbus serched for new land
Christopher Culumbus didn't set out to discover America he was on a trip to India to try and bring Gold back to spain, on this trip columbus proved that the world was round and very very large . :0