Morgans weren't minted until 1878.
Garrett Augustus Morgan was the African American who invented the three way automatic traffic light.
Check that date again. Morgans didn't come out until 1878.
University of Cincinnati
No Morgans were struck in 1905. look at the coin again and post new question.
What were garrett morgans parents names
Garrett Morgan jr.
Garrett Morgan's middle name was Augustus.
what are garrett morgans character qualities
what are garrett morgans character qualities
His mom Elizabeth reed Morgan dad Sydney Morgan wife marry Anne hassek and 6 brothers and 3 sons
Garrett Augustus Morgan had three(3) children. Their names were John, Cosmo, and Garrett Agustus Jr.Read more: Did_garrett_Morgan_have_kids
trafic light then 2 was a gass mask
His wife'S name is Mary Ann Hasseks !
Wheaton College and then transfarded to Bentley college.
maybe mabenot lets see