Robert Cardozo is a self employed manager. For job opportunities and consulting services one can contact him through linked in.
yes Robert Fulton was in slavery.
Robert Lincoln is 5' 9 1/2".
they were never close. Abe Lincoln spent more time with his younger sons than Robert. Robert was closer to his mother. Abe Lincoln often said that Robert had more Todd in him.
You will have to go to a library to check out a book about him because there's nothing in the Internet about Robert f Fleming Jr
Robert Fulton's parents names were Robert Fulton and Mary Smith
Albert Cardozo was born in 1828.
Albert Cardozo died in 1885.
Michael A. Cardozo was born in 19##.
Aaron Cardozo was born in 1762.
Aaron Cardozo died in 1834.
Jessurun Cardozo was born in 1896.
Jessurun Cardozo died in 1972.
Gonzalo Cardozo was born in 1987.
Bert Cardozo is 5' 7".
Francis Lewis Cardozo was born in 1836.
Francis Lewis Cardozo died in 1903.
Benjamin Cardozo was born on May 24, 1870.