Your question cannot be answered because you didn't say WHICH tribe you're asking about.
One name that stands out but is NOT THE ONLY major player in the Lakota Nation would be Crazy Horse.
Tishomingo was the last war chief of the tribe before removal. John Herrington
its the i dont even know what their names are
Yes. Yes there was.
there was no famous person they were all equal
If you go to Pokagon Times blog you can see many famous people of the Potawatomi tribe.
There was a Creek Indian by the name of Little Owl.
who is a famous leaer in the catawba tribe
Crazy Horse And Sitting Bull used to two very important Sioux.
Zulu tribe Xhosa tribe Koi San tribe
The most famous indian of the powhatan tribe was the chief's daughter Pocahontas.Her story is story is diffrent from her movie
no there arent any from that tribe
Lapowinsa, Chief of the Lenape.