The North and South were at the Reconstruction. This was a period of time following the Civil War in which the country began to be rebuilt. It is widely considered to be a failure due to the South suffering great losses.
in the first sentence of number one, what does the word hardships mean?
Less severe type of reconstruction than radical reconstruction.
Abraham Lincoln did the reconstruction
Reconstruction is a very big subject you need to narrow the topic down a bit eg the reconstruction of Berlin or the reconstruction of a damaged shoulder
Reconstruction OR "The Era of Reconstruction"
Lincoln had a plan for reconstruction, but died before he could impliment it. Andrew Johnson's plan for reconstruction was quite different than Lincoln's
no he died 5 days after the civil war
in the first sentence of number one, what does the word hardships mean?
The patella tendon harvest for an ACL reconstruction involves the patella (kneecap) and the tibia (shin bone). The central portion of the patella tendon, which connects the patella to the tibia, is typically harvested for use in ACL reconstruction surgery.
Reconstruction of the wall has begun.The reconstruction of the building cost millions.The facial reconstruction was a success.
radical republicans were people who were really important and they were somehow involved in reconstruction in which African Americans began to gain more rights in the u.s.
Less severe type of reconstruction than radical reconstruction.
Abraham Lincoln did the reconstruction
Reconstruction following the War between the States involved Carpetbaggers and Scalawags from the North coming to the South and trying to make money from a beaten South, who lost not only the war but had to pay increased taxes, lost their land and homes, and had virtually no means of income.
presidential reconstruction