AKA the Pathfinder. He was an explorer who lead many expeditions of discovery in the West, noted for approaching western pioneering from the perspective of a surveyor, making accurate maps of his travels and collecting specimens of plant and animal life. He was the first Senator from California, and the first Republican candidate for president, the first to campaign on a very strong anti-slavery platform, losing to James Buchanan. He later served as a Major General for the Union in the Civil War.
he was a dick
"My purpose was to get leave to bring my party into the settlements in order to outfit and to obtain the supplies that had now become necessary. " -John C. Fremont
he doesn't have any
July 13, 1890
John C Fremont's nickname was the Great Pathfinder.
John c. Fremont founded fremont and was named after fremont
john c fremont
John C. Fremont High School was created in 1924.
Did john c. Fremont ever visit Istanbul?
john fremont died on the 13 of July in 1890
He married Jessie Benton and had three children, Elizabeth Benton Fremont, John Charles Fremont, and Francis Preston Fremont
john wayne
Yes he did. He had three. John Charles Fremont, Elizabeth Benton Fremont, and Francis Preston Fremont.
John Fremont, discovered nothing. He simply was like Lewis and Clark.
he was a dick