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Q: Who was responsible for appointing the government of the new states formed through the Northwest Ordinance of 1787?
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Who was responsible for appointing the government of the states formed through the northwest ordinance of 1787?


Who was responsible for appointing the government of the new state formed through the Northwest ordinance of 1787?


Who was responsible for appointing the governments of the new states formed through the Northwest ordinance of 1787?


Which agreement called for a complete self-government for the settlers in the Northwest Territory?

northwest ordinance

What was the Northwest Ordinance formally known as?

The Northwest Ordinance is an ordinance that saw that the creation of the Northwest Territory would come to fruition. It was formally known as An Ordinance for the Government of the Territory of the United States, North-West of the River Ohio.

The called for complete self-government for the settlers in the Northwest Territory?

northwest ordinance

Which agreement called for complete self-government for the settlers in the Northwest Territory?

northwest ordinance

Which agreement called for complete self - government for the settlers in the northwest territory?

northwest ordinance

What ordinance provided for the gradual development of self government in the Northwest Territories?

The Land Ordinance of 1785

Which provided a framework of government for the western lands?

Northwest Ordinance

Why is the northwest ordinance important?

The Northwest Ordinance of 1787, the most important of the three acts, laid the basis for the government of the Northwest Territory and for the admission of its constituent parts as states into the union.

What was the importance the northwest ordinance?

The Northwest Ordinance of 1787, the most important of the three acts, laid the basis for the government of the Northwest Territory and for the admission of its constituent parts as states into the union.