America have had Spain sold the Philippines thru the Maharlikan Royal Nobilities handing 20 million dollars in gold coins to give to Spain in the Treaty of Paris of December 10, 1898, however, tacitly in exchanged of a "Titulo De Compra" in the name of Prince Julian Acuna Ulrijal Bolkiah Tagean whose issued 1764 British Protocol Decree 01-4 was later recognized as OCT 01-4 as a Torrens Title in October 13,1904 by the United States Administration of the Philippines.
The first two links provide a good summary of how the coal strike of 1902 was settled by President Roosevelt acting a patient mediator. The strike began on May 12, 1902 and ended October 23, 1902. I believe you should review the links which has very good information and prepare your own essay. To help you do this, I have listed a few important dates, but it certainly needs much more details. The issues for the miners appear to be long working hours and low pay. The President's concern was a coal famine during the winter, where many people could suffer and die. The issue for the mine owners was to show the union leaders that they could not win. They felt the government had an obligation to protect workers who did not want to participate in the strike. May 12, 1902, Strike begins. On June 8, 1902, Roosevelt orders an investigation which includes a series of hearings to hear testimony. On Oct 3, 1902, at Roosevelt's direction, a meeting is convened with John Mitchell, head of the United Miner Worker association, and other labor representatives, operators of the mines, and government officials to resolve the strike. On Oct 6, 1902 Roosevelt proposes to John Mitchell that he appoint a new commission to investigate all matters and work to implement the commission's findings. On Oct 11, 1902, obtained the outside help of J.P. Morgan, wealthy bank owner and Secretary of War, Eliha Root, to meet and prepare an arbitration proposal. Oct 23, 1902: Strike ends by successful negotiations. It is an historical event in terms of the US Government working with both business owners and unions to mediate a solution. Prior Presidents would side with the business owners, taking measures to bust unions and stop strikes. Public opinion was turning against the mine owners. President Andrew Jackson is famous for this. See related links.
Yes, Dame Shirley Bassey is still alive and 73 years old (Oct 2010)
As of Oct. 2012 the value of a 1881-S US dollar graded MS-63 is $65.
The Great Depression started was started in the economic downfall in the 1930's. But the Great Depression really started when the stock market crashed October 29, 1929.
Aas of Oct 10, 2011:ArgentinaBrazilCosta RicaFinlandIndiaIrelandKosovoKyrgyzstanLiberiaLithuaniaSwitzerland
for united states and Canada its oct 12.... in UK its oct 29
The United States Supreme Court, Oct. 21, 1919
13th Oct. 1983.
Barack Hussein Obama II, 44th President of the United States of America won the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize on October 9th, 2009.
On April 27, 1861 President Abraham Lincoln suspended the writ of habeas corpus. On Oct 17, 2006 President bush suspended the right of habeas corpus t persons determined by the United States to be an enemy combatant in the Global War on Terror.
Monday , Oct 28th is the National Chocolate day in United States.
October 30 1983 was a Sunday.
October 3, 1983 was a Monday.
October 14th, 1983 fell on a Friday.