John D. Rockefeller. He had a billion dollars, which would be 663 billion dollars in 2007.
John Hancock was the richest man in New England before the Revolutionary War. Hope it helps!
George Washington
15 years
Yes. He was. He was valued by Forbes in 2007 to have $298.3 billion U.S. Dollars.
The second richest state in the U.S.A. is Washington.
Bill Gates is the richest man in the U.S.A. and the second richest man in the world with about 63 billion dollars
Who is the richest man in Imo state
Carlos Slim is the richest man in the world.
The richest man alive is the sultan of Bruni.
The richest man in kerala 2011 - geepas baheer
lakshmi mittal is the 6th richest man in the world he imports in steel and lives in england he is also the richest man in england
the richest man in rome was Julius ceaser
Richest Man on Earth was created in 1990-04.
emeka ofor is the richest man in nnewi
Bill Gates is once again the richest man in the world.
Yes he is the richest man in the world