Bennie Abrahams died in 1990.
He died in Springfield,Illonis where he lived got shot right in the head by John Wilkins Booth.
Abraham LINCOLN, not just "Abraham", and he's ON the bill, not "in" it because he is considered to be one of America's greatest presidents for having led the country during the Civil War and preserving the Union.
His childhood had ups and downs. \his brother died at birth. He moved when he was 7. His mom died a nine. his sister died soon after. \his dad remarried. His stepmom liked him. He moved again. he left home to seek his fortuen
his has six friends.
Abrahams challenges were that he had to protect his kids.
Doris Abrahams died in 2009.
Rehane Abrahams was born in 1970.
Doris Abrahams was born in 1921.
Sidney Abrahams died in 1957.
Sidney Abrahams was born in 1885.
Israel Abrahams died in 1925.
Israel Abrahams was born in 1858.
Bennie Abrahams died in 1990.
Bennie Abrahams was born in 1907.
Ottilie Abrahams was born in 1937.
Peter Abrahams was born in 1919.