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kkk korect,kool,kids
we have the awnsers
it became a country because people started going around the world looking for places to be and more people started to go and when the hurricane came it became a rediculous thing and more people wanted to be there to help the people and the ones who have and need special treatment and care
It didn't mean anything to them. They were not considered part of the New Nations. We the People meant strictly white male property owners. They were treated the same as always and did not have a chance till later on. Eventually they became part of the world and it meant the same to them as everyone else but it took many years.
People became more willing to live farther from their work ~APEX
He eventually opposed all slavery. People would treat African slaves better.
PriestsA+ join the group K.K.K korect,kool,kids we have the answers.
The Philistines.
the poor became powerful and rich became richer. eventually most people supported leaders in the army.
It allowed poor people to eventually become landowners.
They used a stylus to write on clay. If they wanted to keep what they'd written they baked the clay to make the markings permanent. This type of writing is called cuneiform
It was taken over by Rome, its people sold into slavery and it became a colony for retired Roman military veterans.
The Bolshevik Party, later on re-named the Communist Party, seized power in October 1917 (Russian calendar) and became the ruling force.
The Sumerian writing system started as Cuneiform, as times changed in Sumer, writing became more complex and advanced. People gained basic knowledge of basic writing and over time the writing become more complex.
People started to talk and more people came to see the mysterious writing on the web. The pig became famous and did not become ham.
People started to talk and more people came to see the mysterious writing on the web. The pig became famous and did not become ham.
People started to talk and more people came to see the mysterious writing on the web. The pig became famous and did not become ham.
After the decline of the Roman Empire there was a demographic decline and fewer buildings erected and the cubit eventually became the Yard.