Scalawags were southerners who helped during Reconstruction and carpetbaggers were northerners who went south to help with Reconstruction. a helpful hint to remember which is which is to remember that scalawags and southerners both start with 's'.
Some office-holders were northern-born Republicans who had moved South after the Civil War. Many white southerners called them carpetbaggers. Supposedly, they had rushed South carrying all their possessions in bags made from carpeting. Many southerners resented these northerners, accusing them-often unfairly- of trying to profit from Reconstruction.
Southern Democrats cared even less for white southern Republicans. They referred to them as scalawags, or greedy rascals. Democrats believed that these southerners had betrayed the South by voting for the Republican Party. Many southern Republicans were small farmers who had supported the Union during the war. Others, like Mississippi governor James Alcorn, were former members of the Whig Party. They preferred to become Republicans rather than join the Democrats.
They were called "Carpetbaggers" and, "Scalawags".
scakawags changed the government in the south by bringing the republican ideas to the politics of south white southerners were referred a scalawags by their enemies carpetbaggers won in most of the cases and that led to scalawags moving towards
Carpetbaggers and scalawags were the names given to Northerners who traveled to the South to try to influence how the defeated states were run. to make money, some wanted to run for high political office.
They were called Scalawags. They intended on supporting the South in Reconstruction. The ones who took advantage of the Reconstruction era were carpetbaggers.
scalawags. the northerners were referred to as carpetbaggers.
the union
They were called "Carpetbaggers" and, "Scalawags".
Because the south was trying to make peace with the north and the carpetbaggers and Scalawags were betraying their own states and believed in slavery and the north was not trusting the south even though it was the carpetbaggers and scalawags causing the problemthere ya go!Kayla^whoever wrote this is way wrong.Many of the scalawags and carpetbaggers shared the same vision of rebuilding and upgrading the southern economy and society. They created public school systems, establishing the University of Arkansas. They also helped make the railroads connect!
scakawags changed the government in the south by bringing the republican ideas to the politics of south white southerners were referred a scalawags by their enemies carpetbaggers won in most of the cases and that led to scalawags moving towards
Scalawags, Carpetbaggers, an African Americans who were grateful
the KKK
The scalawags were pros carpetbaggers were cons in the exPansion in the 19th century
scalawags," "carpetbaggers," and freedmen
Carpetbaggers and scalawags gained the most from reconstruction.