Well, honey, the first humans originated in Africa, so technically we were all black at the beginning. But if you're talking about specific individuals, I'd say it's impossible to pinpoint exactly who the first black people were. So let's just celebrate the diversity and beauty of all humans, regardless of skin color.
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As this question may have both a biblical and evolutionary answer, I will answer from The Bible. The Bible does not specifically mention anyone being black or for that matter white. The Bible centers upon physical Israel and after the establishment of the Church of God in the New Testament, spiritual Israel. Israelites are Semitic people which are light to dark brown complexion peoples.
A scientific answer
The first Black Person on Earth was undoubtedly the first humanoid as all Man's ancestors evolved in Southern Africa. ( Where I live). Its pretty good to have black skin in a hot, sunny environment as the higher degree of melanin ( the stuff that determines skin colour) in the skin provides protection against ultra-violet rays.
Recent archeology ( and things change as new discoveries are made) suggests that there were at least four primitive humanoid species inhabiting Southern Africa at the same time, but they were not modern humans ( like us), Homo Sapiens Sapiens.
The first of these appeared about 100,000 years ago. Traces of them have been found in caves just North of Cape Town. Archeological finds and DNA research has painted a picture of their progress across Southern Africa to the area now Northern Natal and Mozambique where they were bottled up for several generations by climate changes that created an impenetrable desert right across Africa. Humanity nearly became extinct then as DNA differences between all people are so slight that humanity's population levels must have dropped to a couple of thousand. The Khoisan people ( the only indiginous people of Southern Africa), once called Bushmen have a light honey colour skin as the coastal areas have a mediterranean climate and the inland uplands a temperate climate--one did not have to be too dark.
By and by, as conditions improved, Humans migrated North following the Great Rift valley--the same route more primitive homonids had taken. Undoubtedly, as sunlight increased darker skinned people prospered more, had more offspring and the race became darker. In such a climate it was also effective to have long, spindly bodies with a small surface area.
Humans crossed the Red Sea into Arabia, then a land of flowing rivers and lakes and stayed for a long time as a Northern route was closed due to Glaciation. A route did open up to India and beyond and people had arrived ( the aboriginies) in Australia by 50,000 years ago.
A later route opened up into Central Asia allowing a migration right across Asia and on into the Americas. The cold climate and bitter winds favoured people who had shorter, stockier bodies and eye-folds that resisted the wind.
The very last route to open up was a circular route that led from West Asia into modern day Europe. In the middle of an ice age the climate favoured the loss of melanin ( as less melanin means that sunlight can promote the production of Vitamin A in the body) therefore lighter people, blue eyes see better in the misty, poor light.
The very small population numbers meant that early Europeans were probably more closely related than other groups which is why there is less diversity today in colouring and appearance than in other populations.
Moral of the story. We are all descended from a scientific Adam who lived in the Cape about 100,000 years ago--he was probably neither black or white--most likely a fetching light brown.
A religious answer
Adam! (from Adam and eve) Adam was originally white but when he ate the apple from a tree that god told him not to eat from, god punished him by turning his skin color black. therefore Adam was the first black person living.
Note that even Evolutionists have disproven the politically-correct Out of Africa theory, through DNA studies.
Tradition states that the present races of humans began to be distinct from each other shortly after the Flood. Noah possessed genes that would give rise to all of them. Link: The Flood
The Torah speaks of three branches of post-Flood mankind: Yefet (Jafeth), Ham, and Shem (the three sons of Noah; Genesis ch.10).
The children of Yefet are (broadly speaking) the Europeans (Caucasians).
The children of Ham include the ancient Egyptians, Canaanites, Nubians, Bantu (and sub-Saharan Africans in general), and many others.
The children of Shem include the ancient Assyrians, Elamites, Arameans, Lyddians, and other Semitic peoples. One group of Semites gave rise to the Arabs, Hebrews, Moabites, Ammonites, Edumeans and others.
The Central Africans, they are said to be the distant ancestors of every human on Earth.
This isn't in the bible. Many believe that one of Noah's sons was black, and this is very possible, but we don't know that Noah (or Adam for that matter) wasn't black.
The first modern humans evolved in Africa over two hundred thousand years ago. At first, all humans were black-skinned.
This not a question based on religion but on the actual evolution of humans. They were from Africa and most likely had dark skin.
1609 The above date is "official history" or his story. The first people in the Americas were the Olmecs. Giant heads found in Mexico prove this point depicting African features as well as pyramids. Unfortunately our country has not fully accepted that Africans were the first people on earth. The first people anywhere on earth as far as we know, were of African (negroid) decent. All other race variations springs from this group.
no the wright brothers were
Most were captured by other black tribes and then sold to foreign traders.
We do not know, slavery was a universal state in ancient history long before it was first abolished by the British Empire. In the case of the US slaves, yes the black people were first enslaved by other black people in Africa. They were then sold to the slave ship traders to take to America.
The term 'black people' was used originally to describe the African American race. Colored people was used in the 14th century, however was first used instead of "black people", in a NY Times article in 1851.