The reason why is that there was such a plentiful amount and they could even trade it for gold 1 lb. of salt= 1 lb of gold.
The Ancient Chinese created the first coin money with some of it in gold.
It was gold and silver
We are not completely sure of the exact dates when coins were first issued, but we know the basic time period and who made them. The Lydians were the first known people to use a common currency in the form of coins (the Lydian Lion). They were carved into gold and from the pictures look like a pain in the butt to make. I am not sure when their nation began, but I am sure you can wikipedia them.
Well a person name Sam Brannan went out saying gold, gold, gold, gold in San Francisco!
the Romans were the first people to make gold coins as they were the first to use currency as well
People most likely started using gold in the early egyptain days
I think you need to specify which goldfield you are talking about. Mankind first started to use gold long before people's names were recorded.
According to Herodotus, the Lydians were the first people to introduce the use of gold and silver coin.
people use gold because its a un reactive metal {very easy to extract}
People looking for gold
On ancient times, people were crazy about a baked or fried gold.
A use of gold is for rich people who have nothing better to spend theyre money on A use of gold is for rich people who have nothing better to spend theyre money on A use of gold is for rich people who have nothing better to spend theyre money on
they sold it for money
first to use gold and silver coins