Your ancestors were very important because you would not be here to ask that question without them.
Kris Roberts invented the game of basketball
these people held all the most important positions in the colonial government. this small privileged group was called thethese people held all the most important positions in the colonial government. this small privileged group was called the
We have the right to have something important unseen from other people
Mike Hawk, Hugh Jass, and Mike Hunt
In 1066, the comet was seen in England and thought to be an omen.
in 1066 people ate horse meat that sounds nasty
lots of foods we have today are similar to the foods people ate in 1066.
the battle of Stamford bridge (September 25, 1066, the vikings vs the English) and the battle of Hastings ( October 14, 1066 Normandy vs the English)
The clothing in 1066 was old and torn not very nice unless you were a king, queen, duke or duchess or someone important
in 1066 when he won the battle of hastings
in 1066
His most famous Battle in 1066 was at hastings against the Saxons
Who are the most important people in Poland?
castles were important in the middle ages mainly in 1066 and onwards