one man from each family and it was the pilgrims .--. yesh yesh it was ^0^
the settler whose ideas were contained in the fundamental orders of Connecticut is Thomas Hooker
a leader
Leader whose reforms included the freeing of citizens who had been forced into slavery
Grover Cleveland
bush and clinton
ANSWER:Good soil, hard to find in rocky, mountainous New England, was what attracted the first westward pioneers to Connecticut.Like Massachusetts, Connecticut was settled town by town, with ministers leading their congregations into the Connecticut River Valley.In 1638, three river towns, Hartford, Wethersfield, and Windsor, elected delegates to form a political union.The Fundamental Orders of Connecticut, which they drafted, was the first written constitution in America. It established a government much like that of Massachusetts, with an assembly elected by all church members and an elected governor.
Do not use "whose" when you mean "who is."In your sentence, you mean "Who is going to call me for orders.'In this case, you may use the contraction "who's."Always use whose to indicate a possessive pronoun.Whose orders are these?i want to know whose underwear is on the floor.Soldiers whose orders have not been signed cannot be deployed.Always use who's when you could replace the word with "who is" or "who has."Who's going to call me?Who's going to send orders?Do you know who's been deployed?Do you know who's being deployed?
Cuckoo's Farm
The Texas Army.
Salazar Slytherin
Titus LiviusPatavinus (Livy)
A simple organism without nucleus: an organism whose DNA is not contained within a nucleus
a set whose members are other members of another set a set contained within them
The Haunting in Connecticut is (loosely) based on the purportedly true story of a family whose eldest son fell ill with cancer, causing them to move to a house in Connecticut that had at one point been a mortuary. There is a documentary by Discovery Channel called A Haunting in Connecticut that chronicles the story from the actual family's perspective.
Thomas Hooker and Samuel Stone settled Hartford with about 100 other people in 1636. This led to the founding of the Connecticut colony, whose government was established in 1638.