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Celina Ferrantino

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Q: Whose primary goal was the removal of all western ideas for Muslim nations?
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Whose primary goal was the removal of all western ideas from Muslim nations?


When it was founded the primary goal of Al Qaeda was to do what?

Remove all western ideas from nations who were Muslim

Whose primary goal was the removal of all ideas from Muslim nations?


What was the primary goal of Al Qaeda?

To get rid of all western influences in Muslim nations.

When it was founded the primary goal al-qaeda was to do what?

Remove all western ideas from nations who were Muslim

What was the western response to the problems of international trade that they experienced in 1400?

Western nations began explorations ofalternativeroutes to Asia that would bypass the Middle East and Muslim realms.

What is the Muslim city in Western Europe?

There is no Muslim city in Western Europe.

What outfit is known as the Red Crescent in Muslim nations?

It isn't an outfit at all. It is a society, a Muslim analog of Red Cross in the Western world. You can think of it as a welfare organization with nursing as its prime activity.

What are Al-Qaeda's goals?

Answer 1The main goal of Al-Qaeda is to implement Islamic laws especially in Muslim nations, to rid the Muslim world of western influence, and to to end American involvement in Muslim countries.Answer 2Al-Qaeda is a radical Islamist group that lists their top goals at the removal of all Americans and their influence out of Muslim countries. They also seek to destroy Israel, topple all pro-western dictatorships, and establish a nation that adheres to dictates of the First Caliph.

How was Christianity related to the Crusades?

Under Papal wishes, the Kings of many Western European nations went/sent armies to 'regain' the Holy Land from the Muslim invaders.

How did the crusades impact religion?

The Crusades were organized by western European Christians after centuries of Muslim wars of expansion. Their primary objectives were to stop the expansion of Muslim states, to reclaim for Christianity the Holy Land in the Middle East, and to recapture territories that had formerly been Christian.

Who are the primary heirs according to Muslim law in India?

The people who are ordained to be the primary heirs.