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Why according to congressman Boyer should African americans be denied the right to vote

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Q: Why according to congressman boyer should African Americans be denied the right to vote?
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A. Philip Randolph argued that requiring African Americans to fight for democracy in other countries was unfair because?

They were denied rights in their own country

How did US Supreme Court rulings after Reconstruction weaken African-Americans' civil rights?

They segregated them and denied their voting rights.

How did the existence of separate black churches benefit the African-American community?

These churches often became political,cultural and social centers for african americans by providing school and other services that whites denied free blacks

3 ways in which African Americans were discriminated against during the post reconstruction era?

African Americans faced widespread segregation and Jim Crow laws, which enforced racial segregation in public facilities such as schools, transportation, and restaurants. They were subjected to separate and inferior facilities and services compared to white Americans. African Americans were also often denied their voting rights through measures such as poll taxes, literacy tests, and intimidation tactics. This disenfranchisement suppressed their political power and prevented them from participating fully in the democratic process. African Americans were subjected to widespread racial violence and lynching, particularly in the southern states. They were targeted for asserting their rights or challenging white supremacy, leading to a climate of fear and control that further marginalized and oppressed the African American community.

What were harriet Tubman hopes for the future?

Harriet Tubman's hopes for the future were to abolish slavery, gain equal rights for African Americans, and create a better life for herself and her family. She wanted to free slaves with the Underground Railroad, to educate and enlighten African Americans, and to give them the right to vote. She hoped to provide economic opportunities for African Americans who were denied the right to own land. She also wanted to create a safe haven for her people, providing them with food and shelter. Lastly, she wanted to bring justice to the African American community, by advocating for their civil rights and working to eliminate racism and discrimination.Harriet Tubman worked tirelessly to make her hopes a reality. She sought to: Abolish slavery Gain equal rights for African Americans Free slaves with the Underground Railroad Educate and enlighten African Americans Give African Americans the right to vote Provide economic opportunities for African Americans Create a safe haven for her people Advocates for African American civil rights Eliminate racism and discriminationHarriet Tubman's hopes for the future were driven by her unwavering commitment to justice and equality. She dedicated her life to making her hopes a reality, and her legacy is one of courage, strength, and determination.

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Why according to Congressman Boyer should African American be denied the right to vote?

Why according to congressman Boyer should African americans be denied the right to vote

How did Southern states restrict African Americans politically?

ANSWER:The Southern states denied African-Americans the right to vote.

What three groups were denied the rights of the first ten amendments?

Women, African-Americans, and Native Americans

How does king describe the status of African American?

(в While no longer slaves, African Americans continue to be denied economic opportunity and civil rights.

What did the Southern states think of African Americans in war?

they denied them equal rights, they thought of them as useless.

Why did African Americans students in greensboro North Carolina stage a sit-in in 1960?

They were denied service in a restaurant

A. Philip Randolph argued that requiring African Americans to fight for democracy in other countries was unfair because?

They were denied rights in their own country

How did US Supreme Court rulings after Reconstruction weaken African-Americans' civil rights?

They segregated them and denied their voting rights.

When was the 1836 constitution of Texas written?

The Constitution of 1836 was the Constitution of the Republic of Texas. It denied citizenship to African-Americans and Native Americans.

Why according to Joseph bruchac have many Native Americans denied their heritage?

Because they have no good reason not to

Why did freedom for Americans become a distant dream after Reconstruction ended?

As Reconstruction ended, African Americans' dreams for justice faded. Laws passed by the redeemer governments denied Southern African Americans many of their newly won rights.

What other of people was denied the right to vote until 1961?

African Americans and women were not the only citizens who were denied voting rights for many years. Residents of our nation's capital, Washington D.C.