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Q: Why are harbors important to fishers in the northeast?
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How have the harbors along the Northeast affected this region?


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provides many excellent harbors

Three important harbors in the northeast?

Chesapeake Bay, Delaware Bay, New York Bay

What are the names of two auckland harbors?

The Manukau harbour to the southwest and the Waitemata Harbour to the northeast.

Why is fishing important to the Northeast?

yes they needed something to eat when they were hungry to stay alive!

How did the harbors along the northeast coast affect the economy?

i think it will be 13 and it was because the ships kept

Which physical characteristic of the northeast contributed to the development of the shipbuilding industry?

rocky shoreline created natural harbors

Why is upwelling important to fishers?

i don't realy know

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What is the phone number of the Fishers Library in Fishers?

The address of the Fishers Library is: Five Municipal Drive, Fishers, 46038 1574

In what way were the Northeast and West important to each other?

The West provided food for the Northeast. The Northeast provided workers for the West.

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