The questions of "why" is not valid as there are many white people who are great fighters.
People of all different ethnicities or skin color have a wide range of potential abilities, including the ability to fight. You can find examples both of deadly fighters, and people who can't fight at all, among black people and white people. There is no real way to establish which group has the better average level of fighting ability, and no reason to do so, either. We are all better off thinking of each other as fellow human beings, rather than trying to divide the human race into competing ethnic groups.
The name for white people is "Caucasian"
they did not fight because some of them weren't ready
she helped people fight laws
people reffer to soft as weak or you cant fight . a lot of people out think people are soft who arnt hard or cant fight .
people reffer to soft as weak or you cant fight . a lot of people out think people are soft who arnt hard or cant fight .
You cant because they are different generations
because we cant help it.
Yes white people are very stingy they cant even give Africans condoms
because you cant fight what you cant see.
When the black and white people used to fight they used to stand with whites on one side and (blacks) on the other side and they used to say "BLACK BLACK AND WHITE BLACK BLACK then the other word for blacks WHITE COMMON other word for blacks NOW LETS FIGHT." that what they used to do so yeah!:)
You can, when you're not using it in a derogative way.
You Cant
sorry to say this but no you cant,its impossible
cant fight just capture