There were several reasons for expansion. After the initial conquest of the New World, people saw the lands as opportunities they did not have in their own country. As they arrived from other countries in droves, they needed more space to grow. Also the lands were virtually free for the taking (In their eyes), so take they did. Mankind has an adventurous spirit and knowing there was more land to explore, they needed to do just that. The New World offered freedom from religious oppression and societal controls.
they wanted more room in the small land they had.the sent lewis and clark on an expedition and they found saqugawiea to guid them to the pacifies and they had all that space from the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean.
The Doctrine of Containment. Also called The Truman Doctrine.
The official name is the United States of America. There are many nicknames such as America (which isn't often used outside the country), the United States (most widely used worldwide), the U.S., and the U.S.A.. Occasionally, the country is referred to as Uncle Sam as well, who is a symbol of the country.
The US was first the colonies of Britain, then the 13 colonies, then it was America, then the United States of America.
The United States of America isn't a continent it is a country in North America.
a way it has affected america is by putting us in high debt
James Monroe.
in the poland
Hawaii is the only state that is located outside of North America.
The Nile is in Africa and the Amazon is in South America.