They wanted or needed to be closer to the stores and doctors. They may have been lonely and needed more people around them. They may have moved to where the work was. To find a better job.To have an importunity to have a better life of living.
The Relocation Act.The Indian Relocation Act of 1956 (also known as Public Law 959 or the Adult Vocational Training Program) was a United States law intended to encourage Native Americans in the United States to leave Indian reservations, acquire vocational skills, and assimilate into the general population. Part of the Indian termination policy of that era, it played a significant role in increasing the population of urban Indians in succeeding decades
urban push and pull factors mean, good reasons for moving into urban parts of the country and bad reasons for the move. :/ x
they did not welcome them
Indian Removal Act
Many South Americans move from rural to urban areas in search of better job opportunities, access to services like healthcare and education, and a higher standard of living. Urban areas often offer a more diverse range of economic activities and amenities compared to rural areas.
the fact that mechanized agriculture has replaced manual labor
Urban-rural migration simply refers to the movement of people from urban areas to rural areas. In recent times, rural to urban migration has become more common, as more people move to urban areas in search of jobs. Urban poverty simply refers to the poverty people living in urban areas experience.
they move there because it is more cheaper
Rural and urban settlements are both types of human habitation, with rural areas typically characterized by low population density and agricultural activities, while urban areas are densely populated and have more diverse economic activities. Rural and urban areas often have economic, social, and cultural interdependencies, with rural areas providing agricultural products and raw materials to urban areas, while urban areas offer services, job opportunities, and markets for rural products. Additionally, rural-to-urban migration is a common phenomenon where people move from rural areas to urban areas in search of better opportunities.
Two types of intra-urban migration are rural-urban migration, where individuals move from rural areas to urban areas within a city, and urban-urban migration, where individuals move from one urban area to another urban area within the same city.
People often move from rural areas to urban areas in search of better job opportunities, access to healthcare and education, and a higher standard of living. Urban areas offer a wider range of services, amenities, and social opportunities that may not be as readily available in rural areas.
The movement of people from rural to urban areas can lead to a decline in rural populations, which may result in reduced economic activities and infrastructure development in rural areas. This could also put pressure on the remaining resources and services available in rural communities.
Urban to rural migration refers to the movement of people from urban areas to rural areas. This migration trend can be influenced by factors such as seeking a quieter lifestyle, lower cost of living, or better job opportunities in rural settings.
People were motivated to move from rural to urban areas for better economic opportunities, access to education and healthcare, improved infrastructure, social mobility, and a higher standard of living. Urban areas often provide more diverse job opportunities, entertainment options, and cultural experiences compared to rural areas.
Limited economic opportunities in rural areas often push individuals to move to urban areas where there are more job prospects. Lack of access to quality healthcare and education in rural areas can encourage people to seek better services in urban centers. Poor infrastructure and limited amenities in rural areas may drive individuals to relocate to urban areas that offer better facilities and services.
Do people that live in Iceland live in an urban setting or a rural setting? They used to live in rural settings until it got over populated then they had to move to urban areas hope that answers your question. :)