Northerners opposed Missouri's entrance as a slave state because slave states would have more senators in Congress than the free states would. It would give the South a bigger voting presence in Congress. This issue was the basic cause of the Civil War.
Northerners opposed Missouri's entrance as a slave state because slave states would have more senators in Congress than the free states would. It would give the South a bigger voting presence in Congress. This issue was the basic cause of the Civil War.
Many Abolitionists opposed it, but most Northerners were not Abolitionists. The reason they opposed it was because it could have allowed new slave-states, if the local population voted for it.
They didn't like being turned into unpaid slave-catchers.
Around the early 1800's the Northerners realized how bad slaves really were to keep. A lot of northerners still though it was fine to have slaves.
The Fugitive Slave Law.
Southerners favored the annexation of Texas, but Northerners objected that Texas would add another slave state to the Union.
Northerners opposed Missouri's entrance as a slave state because slave states would have more senators in Congress than the free states would. It would give the South a bigger voting presence in Congress. This issue was the basic cause of the Civil War.
Because it could have allowed some new slave-states in the West.
It would throw off the balance between the northern and southern states in Congress, and the South would be able to pass slavery-friendly legislation at will, if Missouri were admitted without a balancing "free state."
Many Abolitionists opposed it, but most Northerners were not Abolitionists. The reason they opposed it was because it could have allowed new slave-states, if the local population voted for it.
They came for gold Not to mention that the main reason was because the Union wasn't sure whether California would enter as a slave state or not. The northerners wanted California to be free, the southerners wanted California to bee slave.
Northerners opposed the Fugitive Slave Act because it required them to cooperate in the capture and return of runaway slaves, even if they were located in free states. Many Northerners viewed the act as a violation of states' rights and as a way to enforce slavery in territories where it was not supported. Additionally, some Northerners opposed the act on moral grounds, believing that it was unjust to send free individuals back into slavery.
They did not want another slave state.
They didn't like being turned into unpaid slave-catchers.
Around the early 1800's the Northerners realized how bad slaves really were to keep. A lot of northerners still though it was fine to have slaves.
Northerners opposed Missouri's entrance as a slave state because slave states would have more senators in Congress than the free states would. It would give the South a bigger voting presence in Congress. This issue was the basic cause of the Civil War.
It angered Northerners, because they were forced to return slaves that had escaped back to their owners in the South.