john Locke said that the best kind of government had limited power and was accepted by all citizens.
To expand the federal government's role in managing natural resources.
The Declaration of Independence and the constitution.
The colonists transplanted English ideas of government to America by, they stood with a strong sense of English Political traditions. By doing that, they established a government.
they get it from the people/citizens. they get it from the people/citizens.
To protect the natural rights of its citizens.
Manga Carta
An obligation is a legal bond. Obligations can be civil or natural. A natural obligation implies moral duties which can be enforced only if the obligor consents to it.
baron de montesquieu believe that government can protect their natural rights....
Life, Liberty, Property.
John Locke believed that citizens have the right to rebel against a tyrannical government if it violates their natural rights to life, liberty, and property. He argued that government exists to protect these rights, and if it fails to do so, citizens have the right to overthrow it.
That the government should protect the rights of their citizens.
john Locke
Where it is understood that a government does not grant rights, but that it exists to preserve the natural rights of its people, this creates a system where citizens' via the ballot box and through appointed officials who answer to the public, there citizens have the most power and political influence.
I am not sure but I believe that you can file a law suit.