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They were not welcome in their previous settlement and did not want to return to England.

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Q: Why did outcasts such as Roger Williams and Anne Hutchenson found New England colonies of their own?
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Who was the founder of the England colony's?

Roger Williams founded the New England Colonies.

Who were the important people in the new England colonies?

Roger Williams

Who was the England colonies leader?

john winthrop,thomas hooker,and roger Williams

Who was the founder of the New England colonies?

The founder of the New England colonies were the English Pilgrims who moved to the New World from England. The first English settlement later became the colony known as Jamestown.

Who were the primary leaders in the New England colonies?

The primary leaders in the New England colonies were John Winthrop in Massachusetts, Roger Williams and Ann Hutchinson in Rhode Island, John Mason in New Hampshire, and Thomas Hooker in Connectivut.

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William Penn was the founder of the most tolerated and democratic of the middle colonies. Roger Williams founded the most religious freedom colony of the New England colonies.

Names of Important people in American history of new England colonies in 1730's?

Ministers who helped lead the Great Awakening were very important people in the New England colonies circa 1730's. Jonathan Williams was one of them.

What is the difference between England colonies and the middle colonies?

England was in charge of the New England colonies. Where the middle colonies had their own government.

Where were the colonies of England?

the England colonies are the pilgrams and the puritans

What is the Different between new England and middle colonies?

England was in charge of the New England colonies. Where the middle colonies had their own government.

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What three places did the triangular trade routes connect?

England, England Colonies, and Africa