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They were afraid of a strong central government with economic powers controlled by the rich. He made a deal with them. He was responsible for creating the First Bank of the United States modeled on the Bank of England. Jefferson and Madison collaborated against Hamilton's Federalist Party in the 1790's.

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Q: Why did southern farmers oppose Hamiltons plans for the economy?
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Why did southern farmers oppose Hamilton's plan for the economy?

They did not want to pay taxes to help the northern states

Why did southern farmers oppose hamilton plan for the economy?

They did not want to pay taxes to help the northern states

Why did southern farmers oppose Hamiltons plan for the economy?

They were afraid of a strong central government with economic powers controlled by the rich. He made a deal with them. He was responsible for creating the First Bank of the United States modeled on the Bank of England. Jefferson and Madison collaborated against Hamilton's Federalist Party in the 1790's.

Why did the southern farmers oppose hamiltons plans for economy?

They were afraid of a strong central government with economic powers controlled by the rich. He made a deal with them. He was responsible for creating the First Bank of the United States modeled on the Bank of England. Jefferson and Madison collaborated against Hamilton's Federalist Party in the 1790's.

Why did the southern farmers oppose hamiltons plans for the economy?

They were afraid of a strong central government with economic powers controlled by the rich. He made a deal with them. He was responsible for creating the First Bank of the United States modeled on the Bank of England. Jefferson and Madison collaborated against Hamilton's Federalist Party in the 1790's.

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What led to Jefferson to oppose Hamiltons plans to promote industry and found a national bank?


What led Jefferson to oppose Hamiltons plan to promote industry and found a national bank?


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Why did Antifederalists oppose Alexander Hamilton's plan

Why did Jefferson oppose hamiltons financial plan?

For one, they both hated each other, so that complicated things. But also, Jefferson was an anti-federalist, he believed that the powers of the federal government were limited to what explicitly stated in the constitution, and the Bank, which would give the federal government significant power over the economy, was a big no-no.

Why did farmers oppose tariffs?

Why did farmers oppose tariffs? Tarrifs would raise the proces for their goods & they worried that they would not make as much profit. By Kenny A.

What led Jefferson to oppose hamilton plans to promote industry and found a nation bank?