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To keep him from abolishing slavery in the south.

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Q: Why did the confederate states want to remove Lincoln from office?
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Who was in office when the confederate states declared their independence?

Abe Lincoln

Why did the confererat state want to romove Lincoln from office?

The biggest reason is that Abraham Lincoln was against slavery, and the confederate states were for it.

Who was in office when confederate states of america declared their independence?

Abraham Lincoln was President of the United States of America when the Confederate States of America (CSA) formed. The first and only President of the CSA was Jefferson Davis.

Who was in office when the Confederate States of America declared their independence?

Abraham Lincoln was President of the United States of America when the Confederate States of America (CSA) formed. The first and only President of the CSA was Jefferson Davis.

Why was Lincoln assassinated (killed while in office )?

Lincoln was shot and killed by a Southern sympathizer. His murderer supported the Confederate States of America, and believed that he would be look upon as a hero if he were to kill the President of the United States.

Why was Lincoln assassinated(killed while in office)?

Lincoln was shot and killed by a Southern sympathizer. His murderer supported the Confederate States of America, and believed that he would be look upon as a hero if he were to kill the President of the United States.

Who were the prseidents of the US and of the Confederate states have in the Civil War?

Lincoln was president for us andjeferson Davis for the confederate states

Was Lincoln president of the confederates?

No, Lincoln was President of the United States. Davis was the Confederate president.

Who were the presidents of the US and of the confederate states of America?

Abraham Lincoln was the president of the US. Jefferson Davis was the president of the Confederate States.

Why didn't Lincoln join the confederate states of America?

They broke away from his union of states.

Who wanted the speedy readmission of the confederate states to the union?

Lincoln wanted the readmission of the ex-confederate states to happen as quickly as possible. Many felt that Lincoln's reconstruction policy was not harsh enough.

What was Lincoln willing to do to save the Union?

He was willing to fight for it! Since the slave states also known as the Confederate States that time wanted to be it's own country, Lincoln said it was a bad example for the future. If Lincoln had let the Confederate States be at its own, then in the near future other states would leave. Jefferson Davis was the President of the Confederate States. This was how to Civil War started.