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the economic depression which lowered the girls pay

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Q: Why did the workers strike at Lowell in 1834?
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What was the cause of workers strike at Lowell in 1834 and 1836?

healthy men sike!!!!!!!!

When did the first Lowell mills open?

The Lowell Mills Strike lasted for 2 years. 1834-1836.

How did the nation's first strike occur?

The nation's first strike in the United States is often considered to be the Lowell Mill Girls strike in 1834. Workers at the textile mills in Lowell, Massachusetts, protested wage cuts and poor working conditions, leading to a coordinated walkout. The strike marked a significant moment in labor history and set a precedent for future labor movements.

How did the workers at the mills in Lowell Massachusetts protest worsening working conditions?

In the 1830s, an economic downturn hit the U.S. This led to the wages for workers at the Lowell Mill going on strike until the mill's management reconsidered and kept the wages at the current rate.

How was life for mill workers in the Lowell system?

it was hard

What was established in 1834 to improve the working conditions?

The 1830s brought about an economic depression which had textile mills (notably the Lowell Mill) crying for workers, particularly females, to operate them. Not only did the Board Of Directors soon reduce the generous wages that the women were earning, but the close-quartered operating areas and unsanitary boarding houses only added to the worker's growing distaste. The Lowell Mill was a victim of many strikes or "turn-outs" from the year 1834-1836 in the United States.

What is worker strike?

workers strike because they did not get what they wanted

What happened nationally because of the 1877 railroad strike?

Other workers went on strike in support.

When the Lowell Mill Girls went on strike in 1836 which tactic did the mill owners use to break the strike?

they fired the girls

Why did Lowell employees go on strike in the mid-1830s?

Because their wages were cut.

What movement began with the meetings of Lowell textile workers?

textile mills

When did four million workers go on strike?

In 1919 after WWI when the government was less willing to cooperate with workers four million workers went on strike.