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I'm not sure if this is even an answerable question because of its content. The perpetuation of nasty stereotypes such as this, trolling or not, contributes to the unnecessary level of human suffering across the world.

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10y ago
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14y ago

Uhh, in case you haven't noticed. All human beings have an odor. If you are implying that African Americans have bad odor, I'm sure that there are some that do not use deodorant just like there in every race.

All human will "stink" if they do not use deodorant including you. Your question seems to be so racially loaded. Either you asked that to insult African Americans or you are incredibly ignorant.

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11y ago

It must only have to do with the people you hang out with or environment/university you're in. Generalization is not advisable.

That is an unfair generalization. African Americans do not all have the same odor, just as European Americans do not all have the same odor. Different people do different things, have different habits of personal hygiene, wear different types of fragrances, and so forth. Some people have jobs that bring them in contact with unpleasant odors. Some do not. Remember, we are all individuals. Beware of stereotyping. If you think that all Irish people are drunk, all Scottish people are thrifty, all Jews are greedy, and all African Americans have a peculiar odor, you are highly delusional.

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