Because a lot of us don't realize what we have until we no longer have it, the we know what we have lost and want it back.
The King of England
settlers attempted to take over the native Americans territory
At first, many Native Americans were friendly to the Pilgrims, but they soon learned to distrust them once they realized that the Pilgrims were there to take over their land.
Many things did not take place during the Renaissance. For instance, everything that happened after the 17th century, and before the 14th century, did not take place during the Renaissance.
They, having been immigrants; were will aware; imigrants were very lliable to take jobs from those whom had immigrated earlier.
The phrase "take you for granted" means to fail to appreciate someone or something properly, often taking them for granted or underestimating their value or importance.
They were not able to do things we can today
Over 14000 Americans take these types of tests
What they do is they take jobs that Americans don't want. So the percentage is about 65%
The U.S. government put many Japanese Americans in internment camps
Most things. Aliens did NOT invade, Americans did NOT take over Europe, people did NOT stop bathing
Take money out of their own pockets
She saved many people's lives when the Americans tried to take the land.
Henry Ravenal did believe that African Americans would take the side of the North. This was a common belief among many Americans. African Americans were treated poorly in the South during this time.