White women, red women, yellow women, black women, all colors of the rainbow women have gluteus maximus the same size depending on their life styles. Do they exercise? Do they eat healthy? This question can also apply for anyone any gender of any race.
Dionne Washington of TX is the black women with the biggest booty in the world. Ms. Washington's booty measures 5 feet and 3 inches and weighs 120lbs.
big booty
It is an elusive concept that has been the subject of much philosophical, scientific and theological speculation. However the stereotype does proudly distinguish a select few. Why do Asian people have slanted eyes? Why do white people have paler skin? Some black women are just built differently just as some white women are built differently. Not all black women have larger posteriors. White women, red women, yellow women, black women, all colors of the rainbow women have gluteus maximus and the size depends on their genes and lifestyle. Are they just genetically built that way, or do they exercise to build muscles? Do they eat healthy, or do they gain weight? This question can also apply to anyone, male or female, of any race or color. One needs to be careful in asking, and answering, such a question because this could be seen as a racist question.
The Black gene is more powerful than the white gene, ALSO WHITE WOMEN raped the blackmale slaves more so that the white man raping the black women ,which is spoken of less.
cotton bail:$300.00 large farm:$600,000.00 black male slave:$50.00 black women slave:priceless haha im sorry i had to im not racist but that was funny:)
big booty
Im guessing Black or Mixed raced woman with big booty's.
Dionne Washington of TX is the black women with the biggest booty in the world. Ms. Washington's booty measures 5 feet and 3 inches and weighs 120lbs.
i think black women are built the best they have Full lips, big brown eyes, soft skin, small waist, big booty, muscular thighs, and all that sexy stuff
that's how it is defined in their community. white men don't get the difference between a curvy fit women with a booty vs. a fat women women with a big booty.
It's a cultural thing, no matter if the black man comes from a country in Africa, the Caribbean, or in America; curvy big booty women are a sign of beauty to black men. This attraction has been appreciated by black men for hundreds of years in African or African descent cultures(and also a criteria for marriage in certain African countries to have a big booty but be curvy and fit). In many African and Caribbean countries, you see many fit women with thin waist but with curves and big bootys adored in those countries. Black men just love a more womenly shape body, they appreciate that. females that are slender and thin for the most part are a turn off for a lot of black men(not all but the majority of them), and the biggest reason for that is their body physique have a less feminine apeal to them. That's why if you see many African music videos(soukouss music videos; check in youtube), Caribbean music videos, or African American music videos curvy big booty women are glorified more. Although Caribbean, African and African American culture is different; there is a common theme in the women the black men are attracted to(curvy big booty women).So the type of women you'll mostly see with black men are the ones that have the body physique like Beyonce, Lola luv, Melyssa Ford, Kim Kardashain, Esther Baxter, Tahiry, Melyssa ford, Tyra banks, Serena Williams, Vida Guerra, Buffy the body, Jennifer Lopez, and etc
big booty black ho's :)
you have a big booty
A Big Black Botty is often a black woman who has a butt which measures over 39 inches. She also needs to have 10 inches difference in the measures of her waist and her butt.
If women wear booty shorts with boots it must be because they like the look.
When someone is said to have a "big booty" they have a rather large behind. A popular rap artist Sir Mix A Lot released the song "Baby got back" which reffered to women who had large behinds. The artist "liked big butts" and he could not lie.