Because they converted to Christianity rather than face annihilation by the Spanish.
One tribe was the Uintah.
Some native Americans in the Middle Colonies were the Algonquin and the Iroquois tribes.
I am a Native American millionaire!
the spanish attaced the natives americans
It is not usually possible to translate a name into any native American language, since there is no direct correlation. Native naming traditions are completely unlike modern American names, some of which are meaningless modern inventions and others have their roots in European traditional names.For example the Sauk leader known widely as "Black Hawk" was really called Makata imeshekiakiak, meaning Black Sparrowhawk. No American name is anything like this in meaning (sparrowhawks are not black, but for native Americans a spirit animal or bird can be any colour).In some cases native attempts at pronouncing English or French names were influenced by the lack of certain sounds in the native languages: for example, the Mi'kmaq could not say the French name Francois-Joseph properly and instead used Blamswe-Zozep - but this is not a translation, simply a native attempt to say the unfamiliar foreign name.The same applies to many other native American languages.In the Crow language of Montana, when referring to a specific person, native names traditionally end with "sh". So if they are talking about someone today who is named Joe, they say Joesh - again this is not a translation, simply a combination of a modern English name and a native name ending.
Native Americans
The Native Americans were pushed off their land.ANSWER 2: They lost much of their traditional heritage by being made to accept Christian names, deny their spiritual traditions/beliefs, and forced conversion to Christianity in order to obtain food and other necessities from the Spanish.
Aleuts and Inuits.
One tribe was the Uintah.
Native Americans were forced to adopt "European" or "Christian" names by the settlers. These same settlers saw a problem with with names such as Moose Dung (A Ojibwa tribal leader c.1860).
hillbilly frank
hakatuipo yokigoshu uranidiot there are alot..
Because native americans were alive when these teams were created.
Collectively, yes, they are called Native Americans. Though, quite rightly, the many tribes retain their tribal names and tribal identities.
Lenape and the Susquehanna tribes
The French had a friendlier relationship with the Native Americans than the Spanish did because the French did not force the Native Americans off of the land. They also did not try to convert them to any other religion.