There were many adnvantages and disadvantages of European exploration on the Native Americans
Hispanic's ( Mexicans, Panamanians, ect. ) originated from Native Americans who moved/ forced out to latin countries. So, Hispanics's are Native Americans. And yes some Native Americans are Latino.AnswerIt would be more correct to say that some native Americans are latinos. Latino implies spanish descent, which by definition means non-American descent, since latin was originally a European language and culture.
The colonists settled on the Native Americans' land, and they destroyed some villages. Some colonists did not treat Native Americans justly. Others captured them and sold them into slavery. Many Native Americans died of European disease, all causing conflict between Southern Colonists and Native Americans
There were several conflicts between the Jamestown Colony and the Native Americans in the area. One was the usage of Native land for cleared farmland. The Native Americans generally did not clear land of trees before planting crops.
Many Mexicans and other Hispanics have some Native American ancestry. One distinguishing feature of Amerindians is the epicanthic fold which is also found among East Asians, this is a folding of the eye-lid which creates the "slanted eye" effect.
That's an offensive and inaccurate term. The reason some Asians (not all) and some non-Asians have eyes that appear to be less round is because of a part of the eyelid called the epicanthic fold. It is an adaptation to a cold climate, protecting the eyes from cold temperatures, wind and areas of high light reflection such as deserts. Probably came about in the upper Paleolithic.
Some native americans are Christian and some believe in animal guides and some are polytheistic.
The shape of people's eyes is primarily determined by genetics. The slanted appearance of some Japanese people's eyes is attributed to a combination of genetic factors, such as the epicanthic fold, which is found in various ethnic groups across Asia. It is important to note that not all Japanese people have slanted eyes, as eye shape can vary within any population.
Yes some native Americans did live in Hawaii
There were many adnvantages and disadvantages of European exploration on the Native Americans
Native Americans never went to Europe. Some individuals made a visit, but the population of Native Americans never went to Europe.
Yes some of them will have and some will not.
He found the Native Americans on his second voyage and when he found them he took them one by one and kissed them and then all of the Native Americans and Henry Hudson had sex and Henry Hudson is gay and some Native Americans.