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Beast Boy calls Raven "mama" in the Teen Titans animated series as a term of endearment and as a way to tease her. This nickname is used playfully to highlight their close friendship and camaraderie within the team. It is not meant to imply any literal maternal relationship between the two characters.

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9y ago

I have no idea who Beast Boy is, but in Northern native mythology Raven is the creator.

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Raven and Beast Boy never-ed kissed in the series or comics

Do raven make out with beast boy?

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In the Teen Titans anime series, Beast Boy likes Terra. In the (New) Teen Titans comic book series, he likes Raven.

Does Beast Boy Love Raven?

Okay Raven does in fact love Beast Boy. In the comics of course in the tv show she only has a hint of a crush on him but the writers try to my hint of their romantic interest. Now in the comics Beast Boy and Raven go out. Then break up, but only for each others safety. Later on Beast Boy tell unconscious Raven that he is still in love with her. Raven feels the same but is afraid that she may hurt in such a way with her emotions.

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No they didn't sorry.

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Raven and beast boy are connected as friends. In the comics they are more then friends. But they're reactions to each other is complicated. But it may be a changes of romance 50%

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In the comics she was dating beast boy

Who does Beast boy from Teen Titans like?

He had a MAJOR crush on Terra. But he also like Raven a lot too.

What episode in Teen Titans was raven unconsious?

i think the episode you want is called "the beast within" its the ep where beast boy and adonis get some chemical spilled on them and transform in beast, then the chase after raven.