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Because his favorite band The Akashic was playing in a speaker to his right, and he's deaf in his left ear.

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Q: Why is Abraham facing the right?
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Because Teddy Roosevelt was so taken with a plaque depicting him which president is the only one facing to the right on US coins?

Abraham Lincoln

How old would Abraham be?

Abraham Abraham he is 199 years old right now he is 199 years old right now

What are five important characteristics of Abraham Lincoln?

determination in facing diffculity

How do the modern coins look like?

Penny: Abraham Lincoln facing right with a shield on the back with the words ONE CENT on it. Nickel: Thomas Jefferson looking forward from the coin with Monticello on the back. Dime: Franklin Roosevelt facing left with 2 branches on the back and a torch in between them. Quarter: George Washington facing right with a different design each year on the back of the coin.

When facing south which direction is to your right?

When facing south, west is to your right.

If you are facing west will be to the right of you?

No, if you are facing west, north will be to your right, south to your left, and east behind you.

Which president is the only one facing to the right on US coins?

Abraham Lincoln faces to the right because the design of the coin was based on a medal that had his image that direction. Also, Jefferson's portrait faces right on the Westward Journey nickels struck in 2005, so Lincoln is not the only president facing that direction. The choice of direction for a portrait is purely artistic. There is no law or political reason for the selection.

What direction are you facing if west is to the right of you?

If west is to the right of you, then you are facing north.

Does Abraham Almonte bat right or left?

MLB player Abraham Almonte can bat right or left (i.e. he is a switch hitter).

Who is the only person facing their right on paper currency?

Alexander Hamilton on the 10$ bill is facing his right

If your facing the stern of the boat and turn 90 degrees to your right you'll then be facing the starboard side of the boat?

If you are standing on the deck of the ship/boat and facing to the rear of the vessel (aft/stern) and you turn 90 degrees to your right then you will be facing port side (left). Now, if you are on the ground facing the aft/stern then you turned 90 degrees to your right you would be facing starboard (right) this is not true

If west is to the right then you're facing?

You would be facing south.