The two parts of Michigan are called the peninsulas. There is a lower peninsula as well as an upper peninsula.
During the civil war Virginia divided into two parts. What we now call Virginia wanted to be a slave state and what we now call West Virginia wanted to be a free state.
Thomas Jefferson After the end of the American Revolution, Congress established a system for settling the new territory the United States acquired. The land involved was located west of the Appalachian Mountains and eventually became the states of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan and a portion of Minnesota. The Land Ordinances of 1785 and 1787 served as a framework for settling this Northwest Territory.
They did this so that is would benifit the British colony......
Superior, Michigan, Huron, Ontario, Erie and Ontario
yes,michigan is divided by two parts, there is a great lake dividing it
It's Michigan
Michigan is divided into two parts by Lake Michigan, the northern area referred to as the U.P. It shares borders with Lake Michigan and Lake Huron.
Michigan is divided into two parts by Lake Michigan, the northern area referred to as the U.P. It shares borders with Lake Michigan and Lake Huron.
Michigan is divided into two parts by Lake Michigan, the northern area referred to as the U.P. It shares borders with Lake Michigan and Lake Huron.
Michigan is effectively divided in two by Lake Michigan.
That would be Michigan.
Michigan is divided into two by a lake.
there is a lake in the middle lake Michigan